Graphics and related programs |
Programs which allow you to play with graphics in various ways. |
ArtToSpr | |
| Creates sprites from Artworks and Draw files. |
Creator | |
Author: | John Kortink | Type: | Shareware | Available from: | Zeridajh |
| One of the cheapest, best and most comprehensive graphic file convertors around. Can convert Sprite and Clear files to Clear, GIF, JPEG, PBMPlus, PNG, Sprite and TIFF formats. Creator is the companion to Translator. |
ChangeFSI | |
Author: | Sophie Wilson | Type: | Freeware | Available from: | Beebware |
| Displays many different foreign bit-map graphic images and allows you to perform basic manipulation before saving in Sprite or JPEG format. |
ColourDef2 | |
| A colour picker which allows you to pick your colour from CMYK, RGB and HSV colour-cubes and output the value in hexadecimal format (suitable for webpages). |
DFax | |
Author: | Ian Molton | Type: | Freeware | Available from: | Beebware |
| Decodes TIFF G3 and G4 images to sprites. These TIFF images are commonly referred to as 'Fax TIFF's as they are used for fax>email gateways. |
FYEO2 | |
| A JPEG and GIF viewer with limited functionality. |
GreyToRGB | |
| GreyToRGB lets you combine three 8bpp (bits per pixel) Clear or AIM files togther into one 24bpp Clear file (and vice versa). |
IcoConv | |
Author: | Joe Kelleher | Type: | Freeware | Available from: | Beebware |
| IcoConv is a utility for converting Windows icons to RISC OS sprites. It can also convert icons stored in .EXE, .DLL and .ICL along with .ICO files. |
IBrowse | |
| IBrowse is a fast and compact Sprite and JPEG image viewer for RISC OS computers equipped with SpriteExtend 0.99 or later. It allows control of sprite and JPEG dithering, has a zoom facility yet only needs 8K of memory. |
Intergif | |
| Intergif is a program for making GIF images from 2,4,16 or 256 color RISC OS sprite files, or from Draw Files, or from files produced by Iota Software's commercial program 'The Complete Animator'. It includeds support for transparency and interleaving effects and can 'compress' images by reducing the number of used colours. Highly recommended. |
IGViewer | |
| Intergif viewer is the companion to Intergif which allows you to display sprites (except deep sprites), Draw files and most files produced with Iota Software's commercial program The Complete Animator. |
MakeJPEG | |
| MakeJPEG is a JPEG image toolkit using the Independent JPEG Group version 6 utilities, allowing you to compress and decompress JPEG images, adding comments and it also included support for 'progressive' JPEG images. |
Translator | |
Author: | John Kortink | Type: | Shareware | Available from: | Zeridajh |
| One of the cheapest, best and most comprehensive graphic file convertors around. Can convert from Clear, GIF, JPEG, PBMPlus, PNG, Sprite and TIFF formats to RISC OS Sprite and Clear files. Translator is the companion of Creator. |
Tiffin | |
Author: | Peter Greenham | Type: | Freeware | Available from: | Beebware |
| Converts between RISC OS sprites and TIFF files. Can handle multi-channel TIFF files (as exported by PhotoShop on the PowerMac) and any TIFFs following the 5.0 or 6.0 TIFF specification. Can create 24 or 32 bit TIFF files (with or without LZW compression) from 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 or 32 bit sprites. |
SESAnim | |
| Displays animated GIFs and Sprites. |
SpriteMode | |
| SpriteMode allows you to change the screen mode specifier of a sprite without changing the data combined within. |
WMF>-Draw | |
Author: | Keith Sloan | Type: | Freeware | Available from: | Beebware |
| WMF>-Draw is a utility for converting Windows Metafiles to RISC OS Draw format. |